Jesus gives the greatest requirement that will distinguish all those who follow Him from those in the world. Jesus said, in John 14:27 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. To love is to know God. Without God, a person does not have the capacity to truly love someone. Many Christians do not understand the deeps of the love that Jesus demands from those who are following Him. Too often, we confuse like with love.
Biblical love originates from the heart of God. It is a sacrificial. The love that Christ desires is one that desires the best for the other person without reservations. However, those who have come to know Jesus, live lives of radical love especially for their fellow Christians. Their lives are marked by a supernatural love for one another. Chirst-like love is directed to those who are less desiring of His love.
Each day, we spend with God; we learn a different aspect of what Christ’s love is like. His love produces grace; produces kindness, and mercy. Christ-like love energizes us to reach out. Let us spend the remaining time we have to live learning and demonstrating this extreme love that comes from God.